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  • JasHDahi
    started a topic Asset UPNP on Pi Dynamic Playlist Not Changing

    Asset UPNP on Pi Dynamic Playlist Not Changing

    I have v4.7 installed on a Raspberry Pi (with a Debian based Volumio install) so the Pi is acting as both a local control point and an Asset UPNP server to the home network. Whether using a Cyrus Streamine and its remote, BubbleUPNP on an Android tablet or your own Control application on a Windows 10...
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  • WahWahWeeks
    started a topic Debian/GNU Raspberry Pi B with WD MyBook NAS

    Debian/GNU Raspberry Pi B with WD MyBook NAS

    Twonky is clunky on WD MyBook
    Asset is lovely on Windows Laptop.
    Now building low energy, perfectly quiet, 24x7 server with Raspberry Pi B (Debian) and Asset UPnP.
    So far:
    Added mount of "Shared Music" from WD MyBook on to "/mnt/m/Shared Music"
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    Last edited by WahWahWeeks; May 13, 2015, 06:07 AM.

  • martinsch
    started a topic Asset on Raspberry PI - APE

    Asset on Raspberry PI - APE


    Thanks for the great port of Asset to raspberry PI.

    I''ve been using the premium version in combination with a qnap nas Naim Unitiqute - it works great - much better than the Logitech Slimserver or Twonky!! :vmad: :smile2:

    One question - I have a...
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