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  • flips
    started a topic WMA codec

    WMA codec

    ... is only availble on the Windows platform/for the Windows version?

    (That's how I read the description on Codec central. Just double checking. Might have to keep my Windows VM around a bit longer, then.)
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  • ppallen
    started a topic Modify the track title on error?

    Modify the track title on error?

    Hello all,

    I've been using DBPowerAmp for a little over a year now, and the version is 14.4 Registered Reference edition. It has only been in the past week that I've taken to converting my (now ancient) cd collection to a digital format. I am loving how DBPowerAmp is agnostic towards...
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  • Masek
    started a topic Stream PC Sound

    Stream PC Sound


    i purchased Asset UPnP because it said with the registered version, you can stream your PC sound. I have not found any setting to do this. How do i tell Asset to stream the PC standard sound?

    Yours, Martin
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  • HolmesIV
    started a topic dBPoweramp Batch Ripper licensing questions

    dBPoweramp Batch Ripper licensing questions

    If I purchase dBpoweramp R14, the batch ripper is still included, right?

    Secondly, if I purchase one license (as opposed to the family pack of 2-5 installs) am I able to reinstall the software (including batch ripper) on a second (and third, and fourth) PC, provided I deinstall it on...
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  • Salem874
    started a topic AccurateRip Question

    AccurateRip Question


    Just have a question regarding AccurateRip.

    Will dMC store the AccurateRipDiscID it generates when ripping a CD and any results it gets even before my drive has been "verified" using key disc(s)? I'm asking because i'm wondering if, once it's been "verified"...
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