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music converter 16

  • Help please with Db converter/ Existing source files(s)

    I've had an issue pop up that I can not find a solution to resolve. Normal operation an MP3 file to AIFF would convert the source file in the same folder. Now the software creates a new folder and I need help for a solution to correct this. Where or what should I be looking for?

    The original...
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  • conrad
    started a topic Music Converter Reference ID-Tag tab

    Music Converter Reference ID-Tag tab

    Hi all,

    I recently purchased the Music Converter/CD Ripper Reference, and upon installation a new tab appeared in the properties section of any audio file which supports metadata, titled ID-Tag. This allowed me to edit the metadata, but also add artwork to the file. 1-3 days after installation...
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  • fabgear5
    started a topic Error Reading DB Command File?

    Error Reading DB Command File?

    I've started getting "error reading db Command file" with some files to convert. Sometimes whole folders?
    What's gone wrong?
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  • Metadata not being copied when converting M4A to MP3

    Hey, have been using dBpoweramp Music Converter (now v16) for many years now and I'm now converting a major folder tree (over 800k files) from M4A to MP3.

    In testing, for some reason its not keeping the file metadata which I really need for 'legal hold' purposes, specifically dates. ...
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  • Oldhumhead
    started a topic Problem converting WAV files to FLAC

    Problem converting WAV files to FLAC

    I just upgraded to the latest version of Reference and tried to convert an 88.2/24 WAV file to FLAC but MC returned the message: "Error FLAC accepts only PCM audio source [dEncoder:BeginConversion]". I'm running Win10 Pro/64-bit with AMD 8-core proc and used default settings on MC. Another...
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