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  • OSX/Flac – SORT tags do not catch all values of a multivalue tag field such as Artist

    This is my other finding after using CD Ripper OSX R16.2. Please have a look and 'd be great if you could check - many thanks!

    The Sort tag fields ALBUM ARTIST SORT, ARTIST SORT and COMPOSER SORT are activated under Configuration by ticking the boxes.

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  • schmitty
    started a topic Tag Editor app

    Tag Editor app

    Hi Spoon,

    Not sure if this is the correct place for this post.
    I was wondering if you could add a product to your lineup. I am yet to find a tag editor app that siuts my needs, currently I use a combination of mp3Tag and Tag & Rename. They are both very good, and each have features...
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  • mpre
    started a topic Front Album Cover tag

    Front Album Cover tag

    Is it possible to load/change in one pass the Front Album Cover image of all the files of one disk.
    At the moment with dbpoweramp tag editor I have to change it file by file.

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