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dmc converter

  • flips
    started a topic Issue with Apple AAC encoder

    Issue with Apple AAC encoder

    Interesting error just now:
    Error converting to Apple AAC, '/path/to/myfile.flac' to '/path/to/myfile.m4a'
       Unable to tag file '/path/to/myfile.m4a'
    Converting from FLAC to Apple AAC, CBR.
    If I select VBR, it works without issues.

    Tested in both DMC 16.2...
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  • 21-day trial won't convert to the free version!

    I don't know if it's an issue with my PC, or if I'm just missing a step. My 21-day free trial is over, but the program didn't convert to the free version. It just keeps telling me the trial is over and won't convert any more files. Help?

    I did try uninstalling and reinstalling the program,...
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    Last edited by tandemlogic; January 13, 2011, 11:46 PM. Reason: Add new information
