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  • Does Asset UPnP R4.5 for MAC OS X support DSD (DSF DFF)?

    Just downloaded R4.5 version as registered user. Description of version shows DSD support, but after launch Asset can.t see any of my DSF64 files, though they are tagged properly. Am I doing something wrong or there's no DSD support?
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  • Narukama
    started a topic How to convert DSF to WAV

    How to convert DSF to WAV

    dbpoweramp v.14.4 always failed converting DSD files in DSF format to WAV.
    The conversion error report says: Unable to load decoder for file type '.dsf', codec not installed? Visit 'Codec Central'.
    I went to Codec Central but couldn't find the related codec. Does dbpoweramp supports DSD...
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  • vortecjr
    started a topic DSD to dCS specification converter

    DSD to dCS specification converter

    Team, a company named dSC recently published a specification for direct
    dsd playback via existing pcm pipe line. This is not the same as converting the
    dsd data to pcm as the original dsd data is maintained for playback at the dac.
    Please read on to understand what they proposed!...
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