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dbpoweramp ripper

  • schmidj
    started a topic Warning for overlength file name creation

    Warning for overlength file name creation

    This is a wish for something (a DSP option?) to warn you when the ripper/converter is trying to create a file name that is too long. It would hopefully allow you to edit the file name before it is created. For me, it would have to work with multi-encoder.

    The issue is that, I believe...
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    Last edited by schmidj; May 07, 2014, 05:41 PM. Reason: further explanation

  • schmidj
    started a topic Metadata Wish List

    Metadata Wish List

    I have been using dbpoweramp ripper for a couple of months now, and it is far better than what I had been using, Winamp. I had ripped about 1000 CD's over the last two years, and was very upset to find many (several percent) bad rips. Also, I had ripped to AAC only, for use on my Ipod (and when I...
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    Last edited by schmidj; November 26, 2013, 04:48 AM. Reason: Typo
