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conversion errors

  • shrimptoo
    started a topic Problem profile I can't delete

    Problem profile I can't delete

    Running dbPoweramp 17.7 (2) on Mac OS 10.15.7 with music files on a connected NAS
    I've been experimenting with different CODECs and created a FLAC to AAC profile using the same dynamic naming that worked successfully for FLAC to MP3 but output to a different destination folder [IFVALUE]album...
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  • Beginner's questions about conversion configuration

    I contemplate a long job to compress to H 265 many mp4 conference videos (a lot of them!), so I ask for help to first double-check my initial configuration; my final question is at the bottom.

    Using a Eurocom Q5 laptop with Intel i7-7700HQ, 16 GB RAM, GTX 1070 with Max-Q

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