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  • crucifyd
    started a topic comment tag overwritten

    comment tag overwritten

    - I rip a CD to FLAC
    - I convert said FLAC to whatever
    - the new file(s) have "dBpoweramp" in the comment tag
    - if I have made a comment in the original FLAC, it is also overwritten with "dBpoweramp"

    obviously this is coming from the original rip......
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  • Possible bug: Comment tag "disapperars" in other apps

    Concerning the "comment" tag (FLAC & ALAC):
    For some reason it seems that info written into the comment tag when ripping using dBpoweramp v13.x becomes invisible when viewing taginfo/properties in other applications, such as Mediamonkey and the excellent Tagscanner. When right-clicking...
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  • GeorgeButel
    started a topic Create individual track comment before ripping

    Create individual track comment before ripping

    I don't know if this is a Vista issue or dBpoweramp interface issue. With Vista, and I have 64-bit Ultimate, windows explorer seems to open up with different views at random anyway. But I wanted to add individual comments to a couple of tracks, so I added a comment column by right clicking and selecting...
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