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cd ripper r17

  • ScottNY
    started a topic dBpoweramp CD Ripper

    dBpoweramp CD Ripper

    Hello. I am digitizing all of my old CDs to FLAC. I am moving over from EAC, which I felt very secure with, but it is too slow.

    What is the difference between dBpoweramp CD Ripper and Music Converter? Can anyone recommend a very detailed set-up guide for CD Ripper? I found a few but...
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  • ScottNY
    started a topic Cue Sheets

    Cue Sheets

    I am switching from EAC to dBpoweramp CD Ripper and can't find out how to create a cue sheet when ripping a whole CD. How do I do this? I've looked around but haven't found an answer. TIA
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  • Billh
    started a topic Sooo Sloooow

    Sooo Sloooow

    Every now and again, the cd ripper will just completely slow down for no apparent reason. I can rip (uncompressed) several CDs at a speed of around 30X and all of a sudden, the rip will slow down for the next CD to around 5X. And then stay that slow; I have tried rebooting the PC but it is still ripping...
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