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bit depth

  • How to keep bit depth and sample rate when converting files

    Hi, i am trying to convert 24/96 FLAC from Vinyl rips to AAC, I am aware that AAC can do a max of 24 bit and 96khz and yes I know its compressed, this is just a way for me to listen to higher quality somewhat with my annoying mobile data issues (1-2mbps) when im in town even though it’s unlimited...
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  • Hotdog
    started a topic 24 bit FLAC to 16 bit ALAC (Apple Lossless)

    24 bit FLAC to 16 bit ALAC (Apple Lossless)

    I've downloaded a bunch of 78rpm rips which have been transferred at 24-bit and made available as FLAC files in lossless or mp3. Naturally I would prefer lossless, but iTunes is my preferred library, so I convert to Apple Lossless. However, the bit-depth is kept, resulting in very large file sizes:...
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    Last edited by Hotdog; August 12, 2017, 12:13 AM.

  • jfkaess
    started a topic Best DSP pricessing order

    Best DSP pricessing order

    For many many years i have ripped my CDs (over a thousand) to Apple Lossless (ALAC) and i use volume normalize ebu r128 during the ripping. I realize this is "destructive" but it enables me to listen to my music in shuffle mode which is what i do 95% of the time, so for me, it accomplishes...
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  • ksvane
    started a topic Need a little help...

    Need a little help...

    I have extracted audio from a dvd (24 bit 48 khz) and now I'd like to burn a cd...
    I can easily convert 48 khz to 44,1, but which dither should I use to get the best result for 16 bit? What does dither do exactly, why is it recommended and what is the difference between triangular and rectangular?...
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  • jagged_fish
    started a topic To DSP or not to DSP... that is the question

    To DSP or not to DSP... that is the question

    I have a mixture of around 70 stereo interleaved and mono 24 bit 48KHz wav files. If I want to resample to 44.1KHz/16 bit, is it better to specify the bit rate and sample size in the Music Convertor dropdown menus, or leave them set 'as source' and use the Bit Depth and Resample DSP effects?
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