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audio extract

  • MagnoliaPreserv
    started a topic QQripper from Nimbie USB

    QQripper from Nimbie USB


    I'm currently working with the Nimbie autoloader. I'd like to rip music CDs with the device, however, it appears that the discs aren't being read. I'm using the QQripper software. I've gone through the installation processes as well before using this and the ripping coder being...
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    Last edited by MagnoliaPreserv; March 27, 2024, 03:25 PM.

  • jpeg
    started a topic extract audio from DVD

    extract audio from DVD

    I've been ripping all my classic CDs using dbpoweramp with FLAC and I'm very happy about the result. Now , I'd like to ripp DVDs or more precisely I'd like to extract audio from my dvds using FLAC again. I know dbpoweramp can't do it. Is there anybody here who can recommand to me a good ripper for...
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