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  • using perfectTunes to add images to albums - is it possible to embed image in aif?

    I have a variety of albums, possibly ripped at different times. So I may have an album with multiple formats ;-) When I browse the files on a mac, the aif files do not have an icon of the album cover art.

    When I am trying to do is build a compilation of tracks eg on a usb, to play in...
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  • schmitty
    started a topic Tag Editor app

    Tag Editor app

    Hi Spoon,

    Not sure if this is the correct place for this post.
    I was wondering if you could add a product to your lineup. I am yet to find a tag editor app that siuts my needs, currently I use a combination of mp3Tag and Tag & Rename. They are both very good, and each have features...
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  • schmitty
    started a topic AIF tagging - special characters

    AIF tagging - special characters

    Does AIF not support special characters like the copyright and publisher marks?
    I have been going through my collection and updating tags, including the 'Copyright' tag and the publisher's mark does not appear in the tag, it only appears as a ?
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  • schmitty
    started a topic AIF metadata problem

    AIF metadata problem

    Hi Spoon,

    Here is a link to an AIF file I have processed in Platinum Notes which was originally ripped from a CD using dbPoweramp, there is metadata in the file however, for some reason it is not showing in the tooltips or Edit Tag dialog.

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  • "File error reading chunk" if try converting hdtracks aif 176/24 to ANYTHING else

    I've spent hours on this, reading all posts I can find. Have purchased latest software, even updated that to Release14.4 beta and dsp effects to Release 9 beta. I want to get from aif to wav, and from 176/24 to something less e.g. 88/24 or 88/16 or 44.1/16 even. I can get some other hdtrack files...
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  • sjg
    started a topic trouble with aif files & Tags

    trouble with aif files & Tags


    Using the dbpoweramp Configuration program I have updated everything -- I have dbpoweramp Reference 14.2 release, AIF Codec 11 --

    Windows 7 64bit OS.

    I have never been able to add tags to my aif files. I can add tags to mp3, wav files -- I don't use...
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