Ahh... thought I'd throw this out.
A friend of mine recently merged MP3 collections with me adding 100+ CD's to what I had. The problem is, he didn't have dB set up to put the Artist Name in the title..... which can suck if you mix them up.
From Him:
15 - Stay.mp3
Should Be:
15 Belly - Stay.mp3
Instead of doing a hand job on the 100 albums (maybe 1500+ songs?) I wrote this out really quick in VB6 to get the Artist Name from the folder:
....\Belly - Star\
....\Rush - Exit Stage Left\
("Rush" and "Belly" are used as the artist names from the folders above)
Then add in that artist name to all of the songs on the folder.
.....\Belly - Star\15 - Stay.mp3
.....\Belly - Star\15 Belly - Stay.mp3
If you make an EXE and stick it in a folder or drive, it will run through every folder on the drive, or in the folder it's in.
Blah Blah...
A friend of mine recently merged MP3 collections with me adding 100+ CD's to what I had. The problem is, he didn't have dB set up to put the Artist Name in the title..... which can suck if you mix them up.
From Him:
15 - Stay.mp3
Should Be:
15 Belly - Stay.mp3
Instead of doing a hand job on the 100 albums (maybe 1500+ songs?) I wrote this out really quick in VB6 to get the Artist Name from the folder:
....\Belly - Star\
....\Rush - Exit Stage Left\
("Rush" and "Belly" are used as the artist names from the folders above)
Then add in that artist name to all of the songs on the folder.
.....\Belly - Star\15 - Stay.mp3
.....\Belly - Star\15 Belly - Stay.mp3
If you make an EXE and stick it in a folder or drive, it will run through every folder on the drive, or in the folder it's in.
Blah Blah...
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim TempA As String Dim StartLocation As String Dim FileName As String Dim DirName As String Dim FolderList() As String Dim FolderCount As Integer Dim SongList() As String Dim SongCount As Integer Dim ArtistName As String Dim ArtistNameLength As Integer Dim ArtistNameStart As Integer StartLocation = App.Path TempA = StartLocation FolderCount = 0 SoungCount = 0 If Right(TempA, 1) <> "\" Then TempA = TempA & "\" DirName = Dir(TempA, vbDirectory) Do While Len(DirName) > 0 If (DirName <> ".") And (DirName <> "..") Then If GetAttr(TempA & DirName) And vbDirectory Then FolderCount = FolderCount + 1 ReDim Preserve FolderList(FolderCount) FolderList(FolderCount) = DirName End If End If DirName = Dir() Loop For Y = 1 To FolderCount For Z = 1 To Len(FolderList(Y)) TempA = Mid(FolderList(Y), Z, 1) If TempA = "-" Then If Mid(FolderList(Y), Z - 1, 1) <> " " Then ArtistName = Left$(FolderList(Y), Z - 1) Exit For Else ArtistName = Left$(FolderList(Y), Z - 2) Exit For End If End If Next Z ArtistNameLength = Len(ArtistName) TempA = StartLocation & "\" & FolderList(Y) & "\" ChDir TempA FileName = Dir(TempA, vbNormal Or vbReadOnly) SongCont = 0 ReDim SongList(SongCount) While Len(FileName) <> 0 SongCount = SongCount + 1 ReDim Preserve SongList(SongCount) SongList(SongCount) = FileName FileName = Dir() Wend For X = 1 To SongCount For Z = 1 To Len(SongList(X)) If Mid$(SongList(X), Z, 1) = " " Then ArtistNameStart = Z + 1 Exit For End If Next Z If ArtistName = Mid$(SongList(1), ArtistNameStart, ArtistNameLength) Then GoTo NEXTSONG For Z = 1 To Len(SongList(X)) If Mid$(SongList(X), Z, 1) = " " Then TempA = Mid$(SongList(X), 1, Z) TempA = TempA & ArtistName TempA = TempA & " " TempA = TempA & Mid$(SongList(X), Z + 1, Len(SongList(X)) - Z) Name SongList(X) As TempA Exit For End If Next Z NEXTSONG: Next X Next Y End Sub