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How can I batch convert and keep folder structure?

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44575

    Re: How can I batch convert and keep folder structure?

    What error is shown?


    • grasprelease

      • Nov 2016
      • 2

      Re: How can I batch convert and keep folder structure?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Set output folder as C:\Converted Music

      and set dynamic naming to: [origpath]\[origfilename]
      I'm trying to do the same thing as the OP, but having a little trouble. Sorry to be slow on the uptake here, but this seems to be adding one more directory/folder than I'd like to the output/mp3 folder. My process:
      1. there's a folder called "Music" with flac/lossless stuff
      2. inside that folder are a bunch of albums folders like: "artist - album" {e.g. "Radiohead - OK Computer"}
      3. I right-click on that album folder, select Batch Convert, then click the 'Convert' button in upper left of the pop-up window
      4. use 'Output To' pulldown menu, then "Edit Dynamic Naming', then set Base Location to a new general folder on desktop for mp3 conversion, e.g. "Ipod"
      5. '[origpath]\[origfilename]' in the Dynamic Naming box, hit OK button and now the pulldown menu shows: 'Desktop\Ipod\Source Path\Source Filename'
      6. Everything's perfect....except that the folder that shows up in the 'Ipod' folder is 'Music', which then contains the album folder, which contains the individual audio files. Can the containing source folder ('Music') _not_ be carried over as part of the Source Path? I'd like the output to only be the album folder immediately containing the audio files, i.e. the folder I initially right-clicked upon.

      Sorry to be so verbose! I thought it was better to spell out everything I was doing (wrong).

      Thanks for a marvelous program.
      Last edited by grasprelease; November 19, 2016, 09:44 PM. Reason: added a bit for clarity


      • grasprelease

        • Nov 2016
        • 2

        Re: How can I batch convert and keep folder structure?

        Well, um, with a modicum of footwork in this very forum, I seem to have found my answer.

        From Guru Garym:
        is there a possibility to confirgure batch converter in way so that it also copies file- /folder-structure? i want the arrangement of all folders be exactly the same as is it in the flac department. the way batch converter works now it "throws" all files together in one path... impossible to find certain trakc

        Except in this case, where I am using one folder with both artist and album names in its title, I would only use the TRIMFOLDER command once, not twice, to make sure only the album folder is carried over, like so:
        And don't forget the little [] at the end of this line. (For multiple TRIMFOLDER commands, you have to use more than one doule-bracket at the end.)

        Sorry if I wasted anybody's time.


