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Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

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  • eaglescout1998
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2009
    • 197

    Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

    This is strange.

    When using R14, the ripper says all tracks have a confidence of 2.

    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\02 Elton John - Candle in the Wind.flac'
       Track 2:  Ripped LBA 50147 to 67398 (3:50) in 0:10. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\02 Elton John - Candle in the Wind.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: 774C0414     AccurateRip CRC: 3DBE43E7 (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-2]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\01 Elton John - Funeral for a Friend-Love Lies Bleeding.flac'
       Track 1:  Ripped LBA 0 to 50147 (11:08) in 0:39. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\01 Elton John - Funeral for a Friend-Love Lies Bleeding.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: EE548EC2     AccurateRip CRC: DCE68307 (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-1]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 3' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\03 Elton John - Bennie and the Jets.flac'
       Track 3:  Ripped LBA 67398 to 91736 (5:24) in 0:13. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\03 Elton John - Bennie and the Jets.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: ECC3829F     AccurateRip CRC: 064ED1FE (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-3]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 4' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\04 Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.flac'
       Track 4:  Ripped LBA 91736 to 106265 (3:13) in 0:07. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\04 Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: E06688EA     AccurateRip CRC: 2AF1DBF0 (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-4]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 5' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\05 Elton John - This Song Has No Title.flac'
       Track 5:  Ripped LBA 106265 to 117091 (2:24) in 0:05. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\05 Elton John - This Song Has No Title.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: 46467107     AccurateRip CRC: F1F17AA9 (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-5]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 6' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\06 Elton John - Grey Seal.flac'
       Track 6:  Ripped LBA 117091 to 135212 (4:01) in 0:08. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\06 Elton John - Grey Seal.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: C02DAC25     AccurateRip CRC: 1A110CAB (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-6]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 7' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\07 Elton John - Jamaica Jerk-Off.flac'
       Track 7:  Ripped LBA 135212 to 151701 (3:39) in 0:07. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\07 Elton John - Jamaica Jerk-Off.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: CFF8553D     AccurateRip CRC: FBE31566 (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-7]
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 8' to 'E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\08 Elton John - I've Seen That Movie Too.flac'
       Track 8:  Ripped LBA 151701 to 178582 (5:58) in 0:11. Filename: E:\[00] Temp\[00] Rips\Elton John\Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1\08 Elton John - I've Seen That Movie Too.flac
         AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 2)     [Pass 1]
         CRC32: 99BA5BE9     AccurateRip CRC: 0B6B5E8A (NEW)     [DiscID: 008-000db454-005686ea-54094d08-8]
    But when I use foo_verifier to check AccurateRip of the resulting files, the results are dramatically different

    AccurateRip verification results: Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Disc 1
    Track  Status
    01     Accurately ripped, confidence: 102.
    02     Accurately ripped, confidence: 103.
    03     Accurately ripped, confidence: 103.
    04     Accurately ripped, confidence: 104.
    05     Accurately ripped, confidence: 102.
    06     Accurately ripped, confidence: 103.
    07     Accurately ripped, confidence: 101.
    08     Accurately ripped, confidence: 99.
  • Cynic

    • Sep 2010
    • 6

    Re: Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

    In foobar2000, go to File > Prefererences > Advanced > Tools > File Integrity Verifier and check "Verbose AccurateRip Output", it will show matches to other pressings.

    I notice your dBPa log says "(NEW)" after the AR CRC, could this have anything to do with AR2?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Re: Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

      Yes (NEW) means it is using the new CRC from AccurateRip 2.


      • Teknojnky
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2006
        • 323

        Re: Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

        instead of (NEW), perhaps (AR1) and (AR2) would be more self-explainatory.

        or (AR v1) and (AR v2)


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44847

          Re: Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

          It is perhaps not optimal, but I cannot change it now it is live as someone might be using the log files.


          • Teknojnky
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2006
            • 323

            Re: Ripper and foo_verifier give different confidence numbers

            eh, that does not sound like a good reason and anything that was updated to make use of (NEW) could also be updated to use (AR1/AR2), but ok whatever you think is best!

