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Thread: Edit Browse Tree for Synology

  1. #1

    Edit Browse Tree for Synology


    I am currently doing a trial of Asset in my Synology NAS. I find the instructions for editing Browse Tree much, much too brief to be able to do anything useful with it. Can you please let me know how I can achieve the following structure to be displayed in my controller app (Hi-Fi Cast):

    1) Artist [press]
    2) [display] Alphabetical list of artists without separate folders/containers for each letter
    3) [display after selecting artist] Albums chronologically sorted by year without the All Tracks and Shuffle Tracks at the beginning, or at least moved towards the end

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Edit Browse Tree for Synology

    Where it says 'album' in the browse tree (inside of Artist) entry, if you change it to 'Album by release' it should do as you require.

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