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dBpoweramp R202x Release

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44764


    Added AccurateRip metadata, a new high quality metadata database to take replace freedb.

    We have updated the registered download page, R2024-5-30 requires Big Sur, R2024-5-01 is available on the legacy download page for those with macOS 10.13 or those between.

    With this update, selected metadata providers are set to a new default.

    CD Bug Fix: CD Ripper: if a track required re-ripping of bad frames, then AccurateRip cross checking of pressings for that one track would fail [macOS]
    CD Ripper: Manual meta page, handles 5 providers, only shows active providers
    CD Ripper: new menu option 'After Metadata Display Review Metadata' to auto show the review page
    CD Ripper: Review Perfect Metadata menu item renamed to Review Metadata
    CD Ripper: CD-Text is now part of PerfectMeta if enabled (off by default), it will show on metadata review page
    CD Ripper: Musicbrainz could stall lookup, now much faster
    CD Ripper: default naming has ", Disc x" on multi disc in file path and no longer defaults to putting ', Disc ' on the end of the album name.
    CD Ripper: ID Tags & Metadata Can edit the multi artist detection values
    CD Ripper: multi artist detection also detects with (xxx and [xxx and removes end ) or ]
    CD Ripper: ID Tags from providers unicode \u2010 is replaced with -
    CD Ripper: wierd unicode spaces are standardized to ' '
    Last edited by Spoon; May 31, 2024, 04:37 PM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44764

      R2024-09-18 macOS only

      Multi drive ripping reliability improvements.
      New appearance of Edit ID Tags dialog.
      Improved compatibility with exotic Ogg Vorbis files.
      Improved logging of Ogg Vorbis & Opus decoding errors.
      Improved feedback on DSP errors, more meaningful lines alongside "encoded file can't be decoded back".
      Fixed CD Ripper regression from earlier this year causing encoding process to be stuck at 99% with certain DSPs.
      Made monospaced digit font used in various tables for improved readability.
      Made Edit ID Tags highlight (usually unwanted) trailing spaces in tags with dots.
      Fixed decoding of FLAC files with exotic bit depths.
      Fixed decoding of FLAC with non-default channel order masks.
      Addressed incompatibility with Mac OS 15 "Sequoia"


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44764

        Release 2024-09-30 Windows

        DSD encoder added DSD1024 and DSD2048 options (note the latter would be a 4GB file per audio track!)

        [date] tag in naming is now in local timezone

        ID3v2.3 tagging, if artist sort, or album artist sort was a known '/' artist, such as AC/DC then preserved, otherwise was being split as AC; DC
        FLAC and Ogg Tagging, smarted up the advanced tagging options and added a new mapping Catalog # to CATALOGNUMBER

        CD Ripper rips to .tmp instead of ._ by default (then renames after ripping album)
        CD Ripper warns on tag page needs track technical enabling if HDCD and Pre-Emphasis tags are written
        CD Ripper more detailed error logs, better feedback on ReplayGain (second pass) DSP failure

        Char / word replacement (CD Ripper, ID Tag Processing, ID Tag Update) allows a 'To Replace' item as [remove] to remove the replace item fully

        [Audio Info] has unicode output, shows floating point and DSD bitrates
        [Calculate Audio CRC] has unicode output
        [Tag From Filename] added new Drop Existing ID Tags option, and easy adding of values

        Secure Ripping Log - Table of Contents (TOC) added
        Secure Ripping Log - Windows version added

        Added Utility Codecs as standard:
        [Arrange Audio]
        [Audio Info]
        [Calc CRC]
        [Channel Split]
        [Length Split]
        [Tag From Filename]

        Bug Fix: CD Ripper if clicking rescan when insert a CD would do a double metadata lookup and show the 'Search for metadata' form twice
        Bug Fix: CD Ripper not allowing active providers to be saved
        Bug Fix: Discogs metadata international character mangling
        Bug Fix: VST could add extra samples to end


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44764

          Release 2024-09-30 macOS

          ID3v2.3 tagging, if artist sort, or album artist sort was a known '/' artist, such as AC/DC then preserved, otherwise was being split as AC; DC
          FLAC and Ogg Tagging, smarted up the advanced tagging options and added a new mapping Catalog # to CATALOGNUMBER
          Char / word replacement (CD Ripper, ID Tag Processing, ID Tag Update) allows a 'To Replace' item as [remove] to remove the replace item fully

          [Audio Info] shows floating point and DSD bitrates
          [Tag From Filename] added new Drop Existing ID Tags option, and easy adding of values

          Secure Ripping Log - Table of Contents (TOC) added
          VST/AU: Added toggle (default=off) for respecting VST/AU tail samples. By default, VST/AU output length will now match input length.
          Batch Converter: Prevented same file from being converted twice, as it could get checked in more than one place if showing favourite folders on top.

          Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect handling of high Unicode range characters (emoji etc) in file tags.
          Bug Fix: Discogs metadata international character mangling
          Bug Fix: Fixed current encoder settings not being always saved when cycling encoders.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44764

            R2024-11-01 macOS

            All encoders (excluding utility) - graphics updated
            CD Ripper: Improved compatibility with PIONEER - BD-RW BDR-UD04 drive. Note that this drive's firmware is buggy and should be avoided if possible, ripping results of same drive/disc vary between different computers.
            CD Ripper: settings cleanup in progress.
            Added option to suppress reading of HDCD+preempth+pregap info, should help troubleshoot stuck search for disc.
            Drag&drop support reworked, removed use of obsolete Mac OS interfaces.
            Added toggle option for tail samples in AU/VST, default=off produces output of same length as input.
            Restored ability to drag&drop pictures from Finder to CD Ripper, which broke earlier this year.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44764

              Release 2024-11-04 Windows

              64 bit compile missing utility codecs
              All encoders - graphics / icons updated
              opus encoder - dialog redesigned
              CD Ripper: Discogs detects known '/' artist names (such as AC/DC)
              CD Ripper: Improved compatibility with PIONEER - BD-RW BDR-UD04 drive. Note that this drive's firmware is buggy and should be avoided if possible, ripping results of same drive/disc vary between different computers.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44764

                R2025-02-07 Windows & macOS

                Naming Page, example box disabled to avoid editing confusion

                Updated Control Centre to better show updates

                bug fix: CD Ripper default showed 1000x1000 750KB album art but was defaulting to 800x800 and 500KB

                ID3 do not toggle ID3v2.4 unsynchronization on frames not being altered

                Album art internet search updated, now obtains better results

                wavpack updated to WavPack 5.8.1
                Opus updated to 1.5.2
                Added Speex encoder 1.2.1 (also 64 bit) [windows only]
                Monkeys Audio updated to 10.92
                Added Musepack encoder to standard install [windows only]

                CD Ripper: Shows on ripping log other encoders if using multi-encoder, also DSP effects in log are more human readable
                CD Ripper: Discogs added UPC + Label reading
                CD Ripper: Manual Metadata lookup added barcode lookup
                CD Ripper: Bar Code Scanner / Input added - When the option Bar Code is enabled under Active Providers, a dialog will display when each CD is inserted, allowing the inputting of Bar Code. Entering such improves accuracy of metadata retrieval. If have a USB bar code scanner (costing about $20) scan the bar code on the back of the CD case. Barcode is stored as UPC ID Tag.

