StreamingDecodes [Get] StreamingDecodes [Get] StreamingDecodes [Get] StreamingDecodes [Get] StreamingDecodes [Get] ->-> [Open] Opening file '' for read access: Opened Audio file is Ogg-FLAC [Open] Loading FLAC Sub-Decoder [LoadExternDecoder] Decodes [Get] Decodes [Get] Decodes [Get] Decodes [Get] Decodes [Get] ->-> [Open] Opening file '' for read access: Opened Init FLAC: Reading Meta Data: contained 0 tags: ->-> [ReadIDTags] <-<- [ReadIDTags] ->-> [FillAudioProps] Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.4.2 20221022 Sample Count: 0 <-<- [FillAudioProps] ->-> [FillAudioInfo] Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Audio Length: 0 mili-seconds 0 bytes 1411 kbps <-<- [FillAudioInfo] Creating Decode Buffers: Created <-<- [Open] ->-> [LoadEncoder] <-<- [LoadEncoder] ->-> [BeginConversion] Converting to '[memory]' encoder settings ' -b 256 -bypassregchk -cbr_only -force_iso="1"' Lame encoder settings: -b 256 --strictly-enforce-ISO -t --noreplaygain -r --little-endian --bitwidth 16 - - Lame encoder settings 2: "/volume1/@appstore/Asset/bin/lame" -b 256 --strictly-enforce-ISO -t --noreplaygain -r --little-endian --bitwidth 16 - - <-<- [BeginConversion] Streaming Radio MP3 Transcoded [1999999999 bytes]: Transcoding from Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Transcoding to Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Serve Entity Set to: audio/mpeg <-<- [Close] <-<- [Close] ->-> [Close] <-<- [Close] ->-> [Close] ->-> [Close] <-<- [Close]