View Full Version : Short question about Installer?

USC:Man of Troy
10-31-2004, 08:32 AM
i am creating an installer, but after going through the entire process, i notice that when i run the executable it installs a 'default' file as well as a folder containing other files that are pertinent to my application. Is there a way to prevent the folder from being created as well?

P.S. -- The file need to be easily found so it is being installed on the users Desktop.


11-01-2004, 02:48 PM
you can easily add icons, such as shortcuts on desktop, start menu, quick launch etc, so they are accessable....
you should take care to have the files in the place where you would like them to be on someone elese's computer, otherwise Spoon installer can mix some locations up, but as I said if you take care there won't be any problems...

if you have more questio9ns or unclarities feel free to ask...