View Full Version : How do I convert an .mpg video to an audio file?

04-09-2002, 07:12 AM
written by: totalXSive

You can't do the whole process with dMC yet, you need to download an extra program to extract the audio. Simply follow these 5 steps:

1. Go to http://www.virtualdub.org/ and download VirtualDub 1.4 - it's free open source software and is only 691KB.

2. Extract the VirtualDub files to a folder such as C:\Program Files\VirtualDub , then run 'virtualdub.exe'.

3. Load the MPEG file into the program - on my AMD K6-2 400Mhz box this took about 5 seconds for a 12MB MPEG file. To do this, go to File and 'Open Video File'.

4. Go to File and choose Save WAV... Select an output folder, and the click OK. The process will take a few seconds, but not long.

5. Now, to convert it to a different format (other than a standard Wave file), you need to locate the Wave file, then convert it as normal using dMC. Simple as that!